Monday, 25 November 2013

Lighthouse Manipulation

Lighthouse Manipulation

Tutorial 1

In tutorial 1 you learn to open, straighten and crop a photo within Photoshop. As shown in this image.

Tutorial 2

In tutorial 2 you then learn to use the spot healing brush, content aware fill and content aware move tool. In this image I removed some unwanted cracks, the big hole at the bottom of the screen and some unwanted islands in the ocean.

Tutorial 3

Next in tutorial 3 you learn to use hue & saturation to edit the colour and then use the black and white tool and selective colouring to make just the lighthouse have colour.

Tutorial 4

Finally in tutorial 4 you learn to you learn to place a logo to your image, add some text as shown and lastly save your image as a jpg file ready to be used.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Screen Resolutions

Screen Resolutions

An aspect ratio is a certain width and height that creates an image to a certain ratio and can be kept in that ratio with different dimensions.

Widescreen (16:9)

640 x 360
1024 x 576
1280 x 720
1600 x 900
1920 x 1080

Square (1:1)

1 x 1
16 x 16
32 x 32
64 x 64
128 x 128


40 x 30
160 x 120
256 x 192
512 x 384
1152 x 864


1280 x 800
1440 x 900
1680 x 1050
1920 x 1200
2560 x 1600